Minutes, Bordmeeting 2 (BM2)
Minutes, Bordmeeting 2 (BM2)
Meeting called by: Ordinary meeting
Board Attendees: David Mwaipaya
Jesper Andersen
Taeseong Kim
Jens Møllgaard
Did not attend: Marjorie Skriba
Next meeting Sunday 11-07-2021, 20:30
Bank access has been suspended by Nordea for KYC reasons and it has been a hazel getting the access back. On top of that the bank is rising rates to an unacceptable level that will consume a large part of our turnover. We will be changing bank to Danske Bank ASAP the KYC process is under way.
There has been a problem with a 1. Kyu database registry that was somehow lost. This problem is been solved and there are no negative consequence in this case. But DKF needs to remind clubs that hold 1. Kyu. grading, that they have to register each person that gets his/her grading approved with the DKF.
A sound gradingsystem is paramount for the federation and procedural problems like this is not acceptable.
The process of making the new status is under way. First draft was presented and was well received.
The reason behind making new status was raised at the last BM, for reference reed the minutes from BM1.
The Bord agreed on the process going forward.
1. The board will adjust the draft to the point where we are satisfied with basic structure of federation
2. We will invite specific persons with experience in Danish law to comment and work through the document.
3. We will invite clubs to collaborate on the daft so to satisfy their needs to reach an agreement to change the status
4. As a parallel process to point 3 we will send the draft to the EKF to make sure we have their backing in changing the status.
There is no set deadline for the process, but the idea is to have the process be finished at the end of the year.
In charge of the process is Jens Møllgaard.
4) Dan grading in Denmark, agreeing on procedural draft
The board was given the draft well in advance by Taeseong.
Its is an solid piece of work and we have a good draft to work with going forward.
We discussed some of the smaller problems and they will be ironed out in the next draft.
One thing we need to add is to build in a redundancy into the grading panel. That way we are always sure that there will be a full grading panel.
We will also need to open a position in the DKF for a Grading official to head arranging the grading. This position will be a trusted function of the DKF and needs to be filled with a person that knows kendo and has process, organization and administration skills. This person will be found with the help of all club in the DKF.
Board has agreed that Denmark will have the first 1. Dan grading in the spring of 2022. Its will be a collaboration between Copenhagen kendo club and the DKF. The final date and venue will be announced at a later date this year.
In charge of the process is Taeseong Kim.